... making an omelette

Tuesday, December 26, 2006


Well, today was a bellweather day for me.

I went to the gym to lift, which I have been doing pretty regularly again. It was bench day, and I was going to do my typical pyramid down (for the uninitiated, this means you do your warm-up, then jump to a weight you can do a minimal number of reps of (I aim for two) and then work your way down. This allows for maximum tear, which allows for maximum strength increase). Last time I was going to top the pyramid at 255, but ended up throwing up 6 reps at 255 so I broke the pyramid and went up to 275. Today I threw up 7 at 275, so I went up to 295 and still did 3 on my first set. I could break 300 next week (keep reading). My goal was 300+ by April, but I've jumped 70 pounds in less than 5 weeks, so that's a cop-out (or was, keep reading).

I did 9 or so sets, including two on the negative (take 135 lbs, bring it down slow and under control, then throw it up as hard as you can and bring it down as slow as you can again, repeat). 60 lb dumbell flys. Shoulders. Because of all this upper body work, my shoulders were all tight as hell. Then I fell 8 feet off a ladder and wrecked my left shoulder.

Yeah. About that. I went to help a friend move some stuff off of a loft in his garage and I was, as usual, doing the heavy-lifting. I was on the ladder with 80 or so pounds of container, when it felt like the ladder was going to fall so I overcompensated, which caused me to fall. My leg got caught in the ladder, though I almost caught myself twice on the way down. I had all the time in the world-- it was cool. I was thinking "keep your head up" so I put my arm out. Then I thought "with your arm out like that, you'll break your wrist" so I pulled my hand in and left my elbow out. Then I thought "if that box falls on you, you're dead" so I shoved the box away, then I hit the ground, hip and elbow first. At first I had pain in my chest, presumably from the adrenaline. I sat there for a minute, then answered "Are you ok" with "I think so." Moved my arm at the elbow. Checked my hip. Then reached for the table to pull myself up, and almost passed out. After the initial shock, my arm felt all right. I have the full range of motion, with some pain. No visible discoloration. A tiny bit of swelling. In all, it's hard to tell if there were any effects, or I'm just seeing the result of the benching. Most of the pain seems to be muscular, and more neck then shoulder, but it could be broken or dislocated (I doubt it because of the range of motion), or I could have a ligament or cartilage tear. Time to elect that COBRA health coverage...

I called my dad, who knows a bit about sports medicine, and he said I should have it looked at. I talked him into having me have someone look at it if there's still a problem tomorrow. There will be. His most salient point was "don't benchpress 295 anymore." Like that's going to happen anytime soon.

So now I'm almost guaranteed to be out of the gym for 2 weeks or more. Dammit.

Sunday, December 17, 2006


The pink one is the Shemash... Very colorful third night of the festival of lights. How come these things never last for 8 days anymore?

I'm going to be scarce for the next week. I'm going to be trying to lift every morning, work 14 hour days, and still get 6 hours in bed (I don't sleep much) every night. If so, nothing personal.

What's all that traffic up in the northwest/vancouver area? Some of it is PB, some might be the lady who does lawgeekgurl.livejournal.com, I guess, but what is the other one...? I'm a little nervous... Call the exterminator - I have lurkers.


Boise State? Who's stalking me from Boise State? Idaho? Have a potato and a beer and post a comment, bub. This isn't a play for your entertainment -- you're all here for MY amusement.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Wanna be rich?

By popular demand:

SELL HANNUKAH CANDLES, DAMMIT!!! Jews will drive for miles to buy them. Every year I end up driving all over the fricking universe looking for Hannukah candles... inevitably on the first night of Hannukah. I had a box of candles... or so I thought. Turns out I had FOUR FRICKING CANDLES IN A FULL BOX!! I ended up with birthday candles that look about right. Some of them are striped pink, but what the hell, right?

Better known to me than most.

In brightest day, in blackest night,
no evil shall escape my sight!
Let those who worship evil's might,
beware my power.. Green Lantern's light!

While we're at it, don't you think they could have just changed this guy's pajamas? Ohhhhh, the humanity...

Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Sorry about not commenting to anyone. I can log in, but I can't post comments. I have no idea what's wrong, and I've sent a message to blogger to try to figure it out. Meanwhile, enjoy the silence, I guess...

Friday, December 08, 2006

Bad for the paranoia...

The map and tracking thing are neat, but seeing where people hit from makes me sort of creeped out. It's like... "who knows who I am...?" I know some of you, but there are a few who skeeve me out. Before you put this stuff on your site, be prepared for that...

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Revenge: a dish best served cold

So, after leaving my job I spent 10 days taking my first vacation since 2000, and then I started looking for a job. I got the lawyer equivalent of a temp job, where we sit in a cold dark room for hours and hours looking at documents for production in a huge-ass case. BOOOOOORING. Uncertain timeframe, but tons of overtime, and you can make a fat pile... while you're working. I've worked every day but thanksgiving since 11/25, and I did 73.5 hours last week. Irony is, it's in the same building as my old firm. So I went down and ran into some of the people I used to work with, and I've had lunch with some of them, etc.

One of my ex-boss's big issues is communication. When she pulls asshole bullshit, she doesn't want anyone else to know about it. I made a point of making sure people did know about it. She hated me for it. Now, she has no control over what I say to anyone. One person I used to work with mentioned in passing that I had lunch with her, and my ex-boss was like "doesn't that make you uncomfortable." Answer was no, she didn't like it.

So anyway, my ex-boss's boss and I got along REALLY well (he likes that I'm a "maverick"), and he came into town last Friday. He asked if anyone was still in touch with me, and nearly everyone was like "yeah, I had beers with him last week" or "yeah, I had lunch with him yesterday." Then he said he would like to speak with me and to write me a letter of reference. THAT IS COOL. I got an email about it. I was about ready to walk on over, but it was suggested that my ex-boss wasn't going to be able to handle that. I told them to give him my cell number and email. That's pretty cool.

So now my ex-boss gets to deal with all that. Yay.