... making an omelette

Monday, April 28, 2008


This is what it looks like 19 days after they rebuild your rotator cuff. Doesn't look as bad as I expected, actually. Hurts like a fucking bitch...

It got complicated - went from 4-6 mos of rehab to 6-12 mos of rehab. They had to reattach two tendons, suture the rotator cuff, fix the labrum cartilage, carve off a bone spur, and "decompress" the AC joint, which means carving a chunk off my clavicle. Fuuuuucked up shit.

I already have almost full range of motion - in the directions I'm allowed to move. It sucks. I drive a standard transmission car... with one hand. I can't lift. Or run. Or lift anything "heavier than a coffee cup." It hurts all the time. I have to ice it for 5 hours as I try to go to sleep. Have to sleep on my back. Have to do rehab exercises twice a day. They hurt. Wah.

I'll be back.

There Youri. A blog post.


  • And.. you're back. And I get to see a shoulder woohooooo..! It doesn't look too bad, you could use it as a way to show off with the "lay-dees" in the future along with a story you made up about how you got into a huge fight etc.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5/17/2008 02:15:00 PM  

  • The fact that the final straw requiring surgery was me vertical-pressing 285 lbs isn't impressive enough?

    *^_^* [BLUSH]
    Now you get to show me YOOUUR shoulder... Or you could just go full frontal...
    }:-D...o [WICKED DROOL]

    It's no fun. Hurts a lot, can't move it much, can't carry anything heavier than a "coffee cup," which results in some pondering. I have to lay on a table three times a week with a hot blonde moving my arm around and expressing sympathy that it is "weak"... The hot blonde part ain't so bad, actually...

    You've been quiet lately. What happened with the trip?

    By Blogger Galactichero, at 5/17/2008 07:41:00 PM  

  • Hey! Long time. Just saying hi. Hope it doesn't hurt TOO much.

    By Blogger PinkBunny, at 9/10/2009 11:44:00 AM  

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