... making an omelette

Saturday, September 18, 2004

I need to go get drunk now

Tell me again why we have the electoral college? Didn't we have a "1 person 1 vote" policy? Why is my vote less important than the average Ohio resident/WV resident/ AZ resident, etc.?

and the kitchen sink

Sometimes the punishment is fitted to the crime. I'm not sure I think that sentences like this, while cool, are a very good idea. It gives an even broader range for disparate sentencing. What do you do when the next guy with the same circumstances gets 90 days to serve with 90 days suspended and a $250 fine? How fair is that?

Not home, not as alone as he wishes he was

I too must decline to comment.

Monday, September 13, 2004

It's Sept. 13 at ground zero

Been drafted into the A-team of cynical blogs. In case you were wondering where I might have been in not posting in a week, go here

Thursday, September 02, 2004

We are not alone ... ???

If any alien civilizations are out there reading this,
this is not "us," just a bizarre subset we like to call "them."

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Others are better at editorializing than me

posted without comment

Galactichero-- not just a handle

[p]The day before yesterday there was major crazy flooding where I live. While trying to get home I came upon the scene of a flash flood that carried a woman away in her car. She was stranded in a river that used to be an underpass. Two idiots had tried to get out to reach her and gotten trapped themselves. I got out, directed traffic to turn around, ordered someone to block the road off with his car (people continued to drive down there despite the fact that there was literally no road), and kept people from going out to get the strandees. Then the rescue guys came. I hung out for 4 hours or so until they got the people. In the meantime, turns out we were right next to a flooded barn where the mounted police horses were, so we had to rescue them. Then there were these cats that were trying to cross the water, so I ended up having to chase and rescue them.[/p]
[p]Turns out I spent 4.5 hours in the driving rain, standing in water infused with horse manure. I have cuts and bruises all over my body, I'm sick (and probably infected), and I still, two days later, ache everywhere. I was, however, sort of offended when, after 4 hours of being there and effectively having been the first responder, the rescue crew guy looked at me and asked if I was a firefighter. I told him no, I was just "some guy." He then told me to give my name and number for "samaritan purposes." Here I am surrounded by nameless, generally faceless guys who do this for a living, and he pegged me as the guy who needed to get credit. He needed me for his report, so I gave him my name etc., but I'm still stinging over that.[/p]
[p]No horses, cows, cats, or people were significantly harmed in this particular incident. Unfortunately, I spoke with the rescue guy last night, and was told that there were some casualties. Galactic hero, not Omnipresent hero.[/p]