The pink one is the Shemash... Very colorful third night of the festival of lights. How come these things never last for 8 days anymore?
I'm going to be scarce for the next week. I'm going to be trying to lift every morning, work 14 hour days, and still get 6 hours in bed (I don't sleep much) every night. If so, nothing personal.
What's all that traffic up in the northwest/vancouver area? Some of it is PB, some might be the lady who does, I guess, but what is the other one...? I'm a little nervous... Call the exterminator - I have lurkers.
Boise State? Who's stalking me from Boise State? Idaho? Have a potato and a beer and post a comment, bub. This isn't a play for your entertainment -- you're all here for MY amusement.
There's only one marker from greater Vancouver when I look at your map. You have a lurker from Northern BC or Alaska though. Very interesting.
By PinkBunny, at 12/19/2006 03:45:00 PM
QUICK!!! KILL IT!! Nic will get a glue trap or something...
By Galactichero, at 12/19/2006 07:23:00 PM
happy hanukkah.
chappy channuka.
however you spell it.
By Caro, at 12/20/2006 04:58:00 PM
It's transliterated. It takes talent to mis-spell it.
I read about dark elves, sort VS cards, look for jobs, watch CNN and sportscenter, and apply to engineering school.
By Galactichero, at 12/20/2006 08:08:00 PM
Incidentally, the same things I used to do for 6 hours when you and your girlfriend were living in sin two different ways on the other side of my living room. ... and when your kids were entertaining themselves in that same living room.
People who used to live in someone else's glass house should not throw stones at that glass house.
By Galactichero, at 12/20/2006 08:14:00 PM
Ooooh feisty!
I've been to engineering school. It doesn't help with looking for jobs. Just FYI. Mind you though, I didn't actually try to be an engineer after school... gosh darn it, I'm just all over the place.
I don't know where you live. I know you're a dot on my map, but I don't know which dot. I could try to figure it out, but that'd be giving you too much credit/time.
Glass houses sound pretty. But I don't think you were being literal. So... I'm done.
By PinkBunny, at 12/21/2006 03:51:00 PM
Tirelaw and I know each other. Pretty well, and for a long time. He's about to get a career-making opportunity, and his head must be swelling because he challenged my character three times yesterday (and implied that I need a chaperone). Sometimes you have to finish the check not to change the play, but to send a message.
Being an engineer gives room to:
1. Be an engineer
2. Take the patent bar
3. Go to med school
4. Move to another state/country
5. Feel like I did something with my 30s.
What brings on the "know where you live" bit? [shriek sound effect from psycho]
Tomorrow night I will probably be unemployed again. At least then I will have time to blog... unfortunately, all the interesting happenings will be over. Nic will have to be interesting so we can live vicariously through her.
By Galactichero, at 12/21/2006 07:20:00 PM
I don't mind being teased. The problem is you know me, and I know you, but none of the rest of these people know either of us. There is context, and as I like to point out, tone, expression, volume, phrasing, and other cues that they don't get from reading. Notice that I carefully pointed out that we actually know each other.
Also, as we discussed, you should not rule out the opportunity, even if you are not inclined to take it at this time.
1. it can't hurt
2. It could help, either by giving you leverage, or by giving you your own book of bank
3. They might be able to talk you into it
4. Their interest might cause interest from other quarters
5. Free trip.
DO NOT, however, express your disinclination, as that will likely result in some ... integrity questions being raised.
Too good a shot to flatly turn down. Given where you come from, do you really want to explain to people from where you come from that you flatly turned such a shot down?
By Galactichero, at 12/22/2006 09:19:00 PM
Yeah! (I'm pretending I know you now)
Don't turn down a good opportunity! At least give it a chance. Plus, free trip!
By PinkBunny, at 12/22/2006 09:23:00 PM
Hey... how come my picture doesn't show up anymore?
By PinkBunny, at 12/22/2006 09:26:00 PM
mine either
By Nic, at 12/25/2006 08:11:00 PM
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