... making an omelette

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Why is my life complicated?

So, I've been mistreated at work lately. I decided to go over some heads to see if I could get the problem fixed. The company I work for has two names in the masthead... I was talking to one of those guys. I outlined my issues for 80 minutes. YAAAAY. I should be unemployed in the next few weeks. Maybe I'll move out west then...

I also found out that one of the women I work with actually threatened another of the women I work with about coming onto me... Remember that joke about suddenly waking up hot...? I had to ask a third woman I work with if there was a perception that the first woman and I were... fraternizing. She told me everybody hoped so, but nobody thought so. Steer me through this one, guys...

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Adventures in clubbing...

I am not a clubber. I'm not even a socializer. I like to be mostly alone, most of the time. I have a friend who's having a 30-something crisis, and he is searching for a girlfriend and a meaning in life. SOOOOO, for no good reason we went to this club, and sat around for three hours drinking beer. It was pretty boring.

At one point I went to the bathroom, and while in line some guy asked if I was in the army. I said no. He asked if I was in the Marine Corps. I said no. He asked what branch of the service I am in. I told him none. He showed me a USMC tattoo on his chest and said, "Me either... I can't even tell my dad." I was like, "No, really, I'm not in the military." Bizarre.

Just before we left, some guy fell off a stool. Then, some girl got onto the stool and tried to spin it around while sitting on it. I told her "It would be a pain in the ass to have to scrape [her] head off the floor." So naturally, she introduced herself to me. She had some difficulty with my name, which is somewhat unusual "What's that short for?" "Is it short for something...?" Then we left. I told her to keep her head off the floor.

Afterwards we went to Denny's. There were a lot of drunk people. I saw a guy get bounced from Denny's for the first time in my life. It took 2 hours or so. There were drunk high school students (who were all talking about who performed fellatio with who), and drunk yuppies and ... lots of drunk people.

Not a particularly exciting evening. I'd rather have stayed home and watched the Lord of the Rings again, or gone out and played pool.

Lupus and PMS -- how can you get better excuse than that?

I really should be finishing my work, but I need down time.

So, earlier this week I text-messaged PCG. It was much less complicated at the time, a no-brainer. We have this thing where she tells me to behave (been going on off and on for almost 12 years now, and it actually seems to help), and I was about to talk to the big boss at work and told her I needed to be told to behave. She told me to behave and that she would call me Sunday. I was at work today, and got some, but not enough done. I left to hang out with my friend's kids. I was swinging them in the air and dropping them on a couch when she called. It was surreal. She was all cheery. I was like, "do you remember the last time we talked -- you hung up on me, then left me a message?" She said she can't remember. I told her we needed to have a "Serious Talk," but I had a two year old screaming my name over and over and a five year old running around me in circles. We're supposed to talk tomorrow.

So, here's my problem. I have no idea how to approach this. I'm not sure I believe she doesn't remember, but how convenient a set of excuses (she didn't specify, but I asked her about hormones etc. and was told she didn't know). Psychotic event maybe? Anyway, it doesn't matter if she can or can't remember. What matters is, I'm a bit tired of this.

Monday, August 14, 2006


How come I have twice as many profile views as you guys? I find that odd.

I was thinking about revealing my email address to see what happens, but then I'll have to deal with A. Drama, B. Spam, and C. Jettisonning my favorite shill address in the long run. Isn't that what myspace is for instead?

I need to have my rotors turned on my car. They squeak with each rotation. It gets really irritating...

Universal Soldier is a good movie to have on in the background... how vapid.

Caro called herself a nerd. ;-?

Nic admitted to crying. <:-O
[next serial in the soap opera getting cued up here, kids]

Pinkbunny called me a kid >:-x

I have to get up at 5 am... again.

I have more work due in the next 5 days than I could do in the next 3 weeks... hence the change to my profile.

My boss managed to tell me I'm doing things wrong while out on vacation. In the last month I've been yelled at by a boss who isn't around and dumped by a girl I'm not dating. Batting 1000...

It's very quiet in the middle of the woods, until you start to hear all the nature noises. Then it's deafening.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

The Crown Prince of Dorks and Losers

[Pointless musing]

When I was in high school, a girl once called me the Crown Prince of Dorks and Losers. I was a varsity athlete, so I could have been a jock. I had good grades, so I could have been a prep. The stoners didn't hate me because I didn't judge them. I could hang out with any group I wanted to. I got along best with the "freaks" as I called them (part punks, part hippies), because they didn't have a "thing" that defined them, and they allowed me to do what I wanted to do, so that's where I hung out most often. One day one of the preppy girls was arguing with me about how I was obnoxious (always a defining characteristic for me), and I said something along the lines of "That's because I'm the Crown Prince of Cool, and I don't care what you think." She responded by calling me the "Crown Prince of Dorks and Losers." I liked that title, so I've kept it.

I am sort of a Peter-Pan figure. I play games, watch cartoons, read comic books, that sort of thing. It's funny, because the scene for those sorts of things is always in a state of flux, with stores and hangouts closing, or moving, or changing. I've been really busy lately, so I haven't hung out much. I finally got together with some of my Vs card (it's a collectible card game based on superheroes from comic books) friends yesterday. I went by this new store that opened. The owner asked me if I am [my first name], and I said yes, and he shook my hand. Then a bunch of the kids in the store, some of whom I knew from before, came up and shook my hand, and we talked about games, and cars (I hate the Mitsubishi EVO VIII - don't buy one). I'm like an elder statesman of the gaming community. I'm the Crown Prince of Dorks and Losers. It's sort of a weird feeling to have people look up to you just for being who you are.

Friday, August 11, 2006

"Don't keep eating that one over and over... Eat this one"

I was eating with my friend and his two young sons, and I actually heard the phrase: "Don't keep eating that one over and over... Eat this one." The two year old was eating bits of steak (yuk) and he started putting them in a small cup of coke. Then he would chew on the steak, spit it out, put it back in the coke and chew it again. Finally his father said the aforementioned. I was amused. We were playing the chimpanzee smile game, and I was eating boca burgers with mashed potatoes, so we ended up trying to show as much food as possible. I lost. He cheated by wearing his.

The elder son and I continued our conversation about reading and spelling. I told him to spell my name, and he said he couldn't because he was eating. I took issue with that.

It's been a rough couple of weeks. As usual, my friend's kids saved my life. Kids are cool. Especially when you can come and hang out with them when you want to, and don't have to change diapers (often).