Am I wearing a sign, or something: "I'm into PSYCHOS!!!"?
So, in the last month, I've had two emails from women I used to know who are officially psycho, including one that actually had a subject line that said "I cyberstalker." I shit you not. PSYCHO!!!
My roommate's soon to be ex-wife hit on me in an email (CREEEEPY!!! and...). PSYCHO!!!
PCG officially lost her shit on me. I got dumped by a girl I wasn't dating, and generally agree I will never be dating. PSYCHO!!!
Today I got in a line by line email string with a woman working in my office that started with her thanking me for moving a piece of office equipment that was heavy, lead to her saying she would ask me if she needed an escort in a dark alley, which I joked about, and ended up with her actually writing "Hence my desire to have you beside me in the dark." I wanted to make sure I wasn't misinterpreting that, so I sent it to my ex-roommate. Verdict: PSYCHO!!!
Then Nic tells us all that she's "committed" (nice choice of words) to a German guy who she will never see again, and tells me she misses me. She's never met me. Her parents live 2 hours away from me, but she's never met me. Flattering, ok, but still... PSYCHO!!!
Am I wearing a sign that says "come get me psycho women"? Am I giving off decayed pheremones or something? What the hell?
Women, you are ALL PSYCHO!!! This is why I don't date. PSYCHO!!! [shower-scene shrieking noise.]
My roommate's soon to be ex-wife hit on me in an email (CREEEEPY!!! and...). PSYCHO!!!
PCG officially lost her shit on me. I got dumped by a girl I wasn't dating, and generally agree I will never be dating. PSYCHO!!!
Today I got in a line by line email string with a woman working in my office that started with her thanking me for moving a piece of office equipment that was heavy, lead to her saying she would ask me if she needed an escort in a dark alley, which I joked about, and ended up with her actually writing "Hence my desire to have you beside me in the dark." I wanted to make sure I wasn't misinterpreting that, so I sent it to my ex-roommate. Verdict: PSYCHO!!!
Then Nic tells us all that she's "committed" (nice choice of words) to a German guy who she will never see again, and tells me she misses me. She's never met me. Her parents live 2 hours away from me, but she's never met me. Flattering, ok, but still... PSYCHO!!!
Am I wearing a sign that says "come get me psycho women"? Am I giving off decayed pheremones or something? What the hell?
Women, you are ALL PSYCHO!!! This is why I don't date. PSYCHO!!! [shower-scene shrieking noise.]