PCG=crazy-ass bitch
So, PCG called me tonight. Out of the blue. Just wanted to see how I was doing. I played it off for a while, and then said, "So why did you decide to call me after not talking to me for more than two months?" Response: "It's been longer than that, I think." So I asked "So why did you not talk to me for more than two months?" Response: "I think I was mad at you." So I'm like "Why?" Response: "You were being abrasive." [NO FUCKING SHIT!!! I'M ABRASIVE TO EEEEEEVVVVVEEEEERRRRRYYYYYOOOOOONNNNEEEEE, ALL THE TIME, PERIOD.] "So why did you decide to call me now. Response: [I'm a bit fuzzy in my recollection on this one, because I was setting up my new laser printer so I can print things for my interview tomorrow. Something like:] "You told me I was a train wreck, and I'm not a train wreck anymore." This sets up the discussion of the two guys she's dumped since then for later. So I got my shot in: "So you're telling me I was right? ...don't answer that, la la la la I'm not listening to your answer... it would hurt my Batman credentials (I call myself Batman with her, so as to hide my secret secret identity, and because she wouldn't understand the reference regardless of how many times I explained it.).
So we proceded to have a 45 minute conversation like nothing happened.
I did tell her I won't call her anymore, she has to call me from now on.
So we proceded to have a 45 minute conversation like nothing happened.
I did tell her I won't call her anymore, she has to call me from now on.
Your love life is confusing.
Batman? Seriously?!?
PCG's entertaining though.
PinkBunny, at 11/14/2006 05:04:00 PM
Not my love life. I can accent any word in that sentence and convey some part of my meaning there. It's like an emotive anagram...
Batman is the greatest superhero, because he's got no special powers but his brain and his discipline, and he goes toe-to-toe with (both beside and against) people with crazy powers. It's also sort of cool that he's a superhero inverted- Bruce Wayne is the mask Batman wears, rather than the other way around. Bruce Wayne died with his parents. Very cool.
I don't find her entertaining anymore. Exasperating. Draining. Frustrating. Annoying. Unreliable. Flaky. Melodramatic. Histrionic. Schizophrenic. Bipolar. I tire of this game.
Galactichero, at 11/15/2006 07:20:00 PM
yet you still had a 45 minute conversation with her
... uh huh
Nic, at 11/18/2006 10:32:00 AM
Uh huh... with Nic here.
You don't talk for 45 minutes with someone who's draining and annoying etc.
I had the Superman vs. Batman debate with one of my film friends. I admit that "Batman Begins" is better than "Superman Returns", but I'm still on the Superman side... although I do like Christian Bale more than Brandon Routh... but Brandon Routh as Superman is HOT!
Now I've successfully girl-lized your blog. Yay me!
PinkBunny, at 11/18/2006 06:20:00 PM
i'd rather have sex with superman...
he's totally recyclable
that's all i have to say
Nic, at 11/18/2006 06:50:00 PM
First, I'm draining and annoying, and she's had 45 minute+ conversations with me on and of for more than 11 years... with a 5 year break in there. Second, what am I going to do, hang up? That's what she did. Not really my style. Third, I think the point was to call and bitch about how crappy things were for her, but I interrupted with "I'm unemployed and likely to have a heart attack in the next ten years" and won the pity party.
Sex with Superman would probably kill you, btw. Super prostate gland. I haven't seen Superman Returns. I'll buy it, but I have a thing about theaters, and it just didn't look that good to me.
Batman, like Peter Pan, will always be alone, because Bruce Wayne is already dead, and Batman lives only for penance. You can't really think about Batman as "hot." He's an android.
Nic's back on the shiglo kick. Morally vapid.
Galactichero, at 11/18/2006 07:14:00 PM
missed me huh
Nic, at 11/18/2006 08:21:00 PM
I think Superman's pretty much doomed to be alone forever as well. It's the super prostate gland, like you pointed out. That's if the girl's still in tact after SuperMakeout. I'd imagine Superman crushing her jaws accidentally. He's hot, but not so bright, it seems.
PinkBunny, at 11/18/2006 10:56:00 PM
the perfect recycling candidate.
not bright + hot + can fly... sexy
Nic, at 11/19/2006 06:52:00 PM
I refuse to participate in this conversation any longer.
Galactichero, at 11/19/2006 07:35:00 PM
Aww you know you like it!
PinkBunny, at 11/19/2006 09:09:00 PM
I learned a new word: Opstreperous and have been looking for opportunities to use it.
You fit the term. It's not a bad thing, just an opportunity to apply it.
A Girl From Texas, at 11/24/2006 08:39:00 PM
oops, I misspelled it: oBstreperous, not spelled with a "p".
A Girl From Texas, at 11/24/2006 08:40:00 PM
I've got your obstreperous right here, on the end of my boot...
Galactichero, at 11/25/2006 03:20:00 AM
in case anyone was wondering:
ob·strep·er·ous (b-strpr-s, b-) Pronunciation Key Audio pronunciation of "oBstreperous" [P]
1. Noisily and stubbornly defiant.
2. Aggressively boisterous.
Nic, at 11/25/2006 09:44:00 AM
I knew what it meant, you moron. I sort of speak and write for a living... Or used to and hope to again soon.
Why is that funny, Nic? Want me to drop a few words to describe you? Won't be fun, I proooooomise...
Casino Royale SUUUUUCKED.
Galactichero, at 11/25/2006 10:15:00 PM
it probably would be - you're perception of me is what you see through a screen.
- i wanna see a movie!!! I saw previews for Eragon on TV the other day, I AM SO EXCITED FOR WHEN I COME HOME OVER BREAK!!!
Nic, at 11/25/2006 10:30:00 PM
Remember, Taste of Vietnam in Cascades...
Galactichero, at 11/26/2006 06:16:00 PM
Are ya'll brother and sister?
A Girl From Texas, at 11/27/2006 08:02:00 PM
"Y'all" ... Before I claw out my eyes I will answer your question:
No. Never even met, but I used to live near where her parents live, and there's a restaurant there that kicks ass.
Galactichero, at 11/27/2006 08:04:00 PM
I just realized: Y'all which y'all? PCG and me? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. nic and me? See above.
Galactichero, at 11/27/2006 08:05:00 PM
Yeah, I was referrering to you and Nic. You guys argue like your brother and sister....
A Girl From Texas, at 11/27/2006 08:32:00 PM
I never thought of it as arguing.
Galactichero, at 11/27/2006 08:37:00 PM
can we go back to the superman conversation?
o_O <~~ new weird smiley face I just learned...
Nic, at 11/28/2006 03:48:00 AM
I just bought it though...
Galactichero, at 11/28/2006 07:15:00 PM
Superman is hot. But Brandon Routh the person is a weirdo.
PinkBunny, at 11/29/2006 02:58:00 AM
By popular demand, new material at MSD.
The new Superman movie officially sucked. Routh is not good in the role. The plot sucked. The special effects were marginal. Two thumbs and the neck of my beer down.
Galactichero, at 12/03/2006 04:28:00 PM
ok but did he look hot is the question
- ever seen that god awful movie "The Covenant"?, horrible acting, great actors... same with white squall... yummmm...
Nic, at 12/03/2006 05:02:00 PM
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