... making an omelette

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Happy Birthday to me...

My birthday was weeks ago BUT for some reason my friend's 4 year old demanded that he be able to call me and say "Happy Birthday" to me... today. I don't know why I'm so entertained by that, but I am highly entertained. I'm sort of the eldest brother in that family, and I was over there helping them move and playing with the kids yesterday, so that's probably where it came from, but still, it's sort of cool when kids think you're important.

Where the fuck IS everyone? I'm trying to procrastinate in preparation for a two day jury that I can't win as a matter of law, but I can't find anyone. My local friends are all awol, my far away friends are all awol. The online people I harass are all awol. WTF? I may have to actually do some work...


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