... making an omelette

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Galactichero vs. the poison ivy monster...

Last year I had a nasty run-in with some poison ivy in my front yard. There's this pear tree, and next to it is this huge pine that has so much poison ivy on it that it looks like it's deciduous in the summer. I didn't recognize the huge furry vines as poison ivy until I literally ended up in the hospital.

A few weeks ago I took a hack-saw, put on rubber gloves and a hat, taped my sleeves and ankles, and cut at least 12 inches off of each huge-ass vine. It was pretty funny, because I ended up stripping to my underwear and hosing off to make sure I had no poison ivy on me. It was 38 degrees. I use well-water. It was cold. My neighbors think I'm crazy.

Here is a picture after I cut one of the vines. That is my fist, directly below the vine. I have pretty big fists (particularly in the width - get your mind out of the gutter Nic), and that vine is almost TWICE the diameter of my fist. How crazy is that?
See all those branches? Those aren't branches. They're poison ivy. I'm going to find out if the dendrites on the vines can keep all that vine alive, or if my hack-job kills it. I hope it kills it. I used to be immune. Now I can tell you that poison ivy suuuuucks.



    I would pay to see the 38 degree half nakey shower (get your mind out of the gutter)

    By Blogger Nic, at 3/14/2007 03:20:00 PM  

  • I found a few more in back of my house. If you'd like, I could send you a chunk...

    My mind is rarely in the gutter. However, I will point out that the 38 degree shower would make the width of my fist FAR, FAR less impressive...

    By Blogger Galactichero, at 3/14/2007 05:23:00 PM  

  • my mind is totally out of the gutter.

    it would probably make your fist more impressive by inducing cyanosis

    :) cyanosis is funny when combined with a half nakey man trying to shower off possible poison ivy.

    By Blogger Nic, at 3/14/2007 07:03:00 PM  

  • Stop imagining me half nakey. Maybe YOU need a 38 degree shower. My friend's 5 year old uses the term "nakey"... "Nakey boy." And "poopie."

    My fists turn purple when they get cold because of all the scar tissue. What is purplosis called?

    By Blogger Galactichero, at 3/14/2007 07:20:00 PM  

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