... making an omelette

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

To my friends and "re: anonymity"

To my friends: the point of the blog is that people can read and comment. Emailing me directly fails to serve that purpose (my friends, who know who they are, email me directly rather than commenting). How am I supposed to inflate my ego if no one comments on my musings? And yes, it is easy to open an account.

Re: anonymity: I deliberately use an alias. I have used this same alias for so long, in so many places, that many people either know who I am, or know me by the alias. Please preserve the alias. That's both for my protection, so I can sandblast people and things without fear of losing a job or something over it, and for your protection, because you don't want people out there to know who you are any more than I want them to know who I am. The world is a bad place, with bad people in it. Use your fucking heads, people.


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